Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov

Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov is one of the authoritative multi-profile technical universities of Russian Federation with developed infrastructure, powerful material and technical basis and high intellectual potential. The University is widely known in Russia and abroad for its scientific schools, it has a wide range of scientific and creative links with leading Russian and foreign universities.

MSTU (Magnitogorsk State Technical University MSTU) was established on the basis of Ural Technical Institute in 1934 as Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. In 1951 it was named after G.I. Nosov – the famous Director of Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In 1984 the Institute was awarded with the Order of the Labour Red Banner. In 1994 the Institute became an academy and in 1998 it got the status of Technical University.

In 2009 the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev presented the university with the gratitude for the significant contribution research and development of progressive technologies for training highly qualified specialists for mining and metallurgical branches of the Russian Federation. The prime minister of Russia V. Putin signed the documents of University reorganization by joining Industrial, Building, Professional-Pedagogical and Trade – Economical Colleges into the common educational system. That year MSTU passed the outer Russian and International Audit and got the corresponding certificate in quality management ISO 9001:2000 standards.

Today about 20 thousand students study at Magnitogorsk State Technical University. This is a large scientific and educational university complex of Russia, which includes all stages of education, beginning with secondary education, secondary vocational and higher vocational education, up to Master courses, postgraduate and retraining courses.

The University gives higher vocational education in 67 special specialties, 24 Bachelor courses, 14 Master programs. It trains specialists in 27 secondary vocational education programs (SVE program) on basic and advanced levels. The total number of educational programs including postgraduate courses, doctorate studies, advanced training and vocational training achieves 263.

Since the 1st of January 2011 the University has passed over to the system of educational services according to 5 professional programs of higher vocational education (12 specialties), 31 Bachelor programs (64 specializations), 14 Master programs, 27 SVE programs of the basic and advanced level.

Personnel training according to the higher vocational education programs is carried out at 2 institutes: at the Institute of Power Engineering and Automation, at the Institute of Mining Engineering and Transport; at 5 full-time departments: Chemistry and Metallurgy, Technology and Quality, Architecture and Building, Mechanical Engineering and Machine Building, Economics and Law and at the correspondence department.

Personnel training according to the secondary vocational education programs (SVE programs) is carried out at multi-field college of MSTU.

MSTU has its branch office in Beloretsk.

The university has developed a branched system of high school preparatory education which includes preparatory courses, advanced pre-university training in main subjects, the multi-field specialized lyceum.

Specialists are trained in the fields of metallurgy, chemistry and biotechnologies, power engineering, automation and management, nano-material and nano-technologies, information technologies and computer facilities, mechanics and mechanical engineering, mining, transport facilities, building and architecture, ecology, economics and management, linguistics, pedagogics and tourist service.

The students of the university have a unique opportunity to obtain the second higher education and a variety of professional skills.

University offers vocational education at Further vocational education and personnel engineering institute “Gorizont”". This institute specializes in professional retraining, educational programs for specialists having university degrees, purpose training of specialists on demand of enterprises and various businesses, certification training in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, construction.

Educational activities are carried out in buildings and premises with the overall area - 200,000 sq.m. where the academic and laboratory blocks, 11 hostels, 5 canteens, 3 sports palaces are placed.

The up-to-date material and technical base, including the educational and laboratory areas, telecommunication infrastructure which links about 1500 personal computers and provides high-speed access for the students and the academic staff to corporate and worldwide information resources, the library book fund containing over 1 129 000 volumes, unique imitation simulators of technological smelting, finishing, rolling, steel casting processes and many others provide high standard of training.

One of the main conditions of university development is the integration of science and education. MSTU has a great scientific potential, which has been developed for several decades. Nowadays its scientific staff includes about 80 Doctors of Science, Professors, more than 550 Candidates of Science, and Associate Professors. The main scientific areas of MSTU correspond to the Primary trends of science, technology development of the Russian Federation and to the List of critical technologies on the Federal level: power engineering and power supply; information-telecommunication systems; effective nature management; risk reduction technologies and decrease of after-effects of natural and technological disasters; technologies of creating and management of new types of transport systems; technologies of ecologically safe mining of mineral resources etc.

Training of high-qualified specialists is realized in 26 fields at the post graduate courses and besides there are 7 doctorate programs as well as five doctoral dissertational councils.

The university complex includes the scientific centre DANIELI-MSTU, the international union of metallurgical facilities manufacturers “Metallurgmash”. An innovation-and-technological centre was set up. This centre comprises about 20 scientific laboratories and a Research Institute of Nanosteels. The university is engaged in innovation activities. An innovative business incubator was set up in order to promote the results of scientific-research developments of students, post-graduate students, scientists and specialists of the university staff and other universities, companies and organizations of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk district and other regions of Russia. Information technologies have become priority trends of scientific-industrial activities of the business incubator.

University Complex made it possible for MSTU to provide a more efficient integration of education, science and manufacturing, in particular, it contributed to large successful scientific and research projects of the major city enterprise – Iron and Steel Works. The fact is that in 2009-2010, 20 university projects got financial support worth 66.7 mln. rubles within the federal target program “Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Staff of Innovative Russia 2009-2013”. The joint project of MSTU and “MMK-Metiz” took part in the open public competition for state support of high-tech project developments and got a grant worth 178 million rubles.

The Youth Scientific Center of the University involves students into scientific activity, arranges conferences, issues collections of student scientific articles, gives young people an opportunity to take part in forums in other Russian universities and abroad. Every year more than 200 students take part in different events in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Düsseldorf (Germany), Yekaterinburg, etc. In 2010 the students of our university won the World Championship in Programming (Yekaterinburg) as well as three All-Russian Student Technical Olympiads. Within the last five years six Professors of the university became the Government Prize Winners in Science and Engineering.

Nowadays a unique social infrastructure has been created in MSTU which includes modern hostels, a sanatorium, a medical care system for the teaching staff and for the students, cafés, canteens, gyms, a recreation center in the countryside. An effective motivation system has been developed for the teaching staff. Some programs provide teachers and students with qualified medical and health care services as well as with numerous welfare benefits (financial support of mother-and-child care, big families, low income families, one parent families, young families, etc.). These programs support mass culture, sport and health-improving activities and provide welfare services to the retired.

MSTU was the first to initiate a number of student traditional movements in our region. It is just here where the first student building teams were organized and in 2007 they won the “Golden Trowel” prize being the best one. The university carries out a lot of cultural and sport activities taking part in the International League of “Fun-and-humor Club”, beauty competitions of the university and the country, local thematic contests, sport competitions and so on. Over 150 events are held at the university annually. The priority direction of the university activity at present is the cultivation of the healthy life style among the students. Every year the students of MSTU become prize winners of many regional, district and country art and sport competitions.

For more than 75 year old history of MSTU (Magnitogorsk State Technical University) more than 70 thousand specialists have been trained here. The main MSTU customers are: OJSC MMK (Joint Stock Company Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works), International Union of metallurgical equipment manufacturers «Metallurgmash» (Moscow), DANIELI Group of Companies (Buttrio, Italy), International Department UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), International center of educational systems MTSOS (Moscow), OJSC «Severstal» (Cherepovetsk), OJSC «Baimak casting and mechanical plant», Scientific and Industrial Unit «Automation» (Magnitogorsk), self-regulation organizations in constructing design and control, OJSC TNK «Kazakhprom» (Kazakhstan) and many others.

The graduates of MSTU work at all major enterprises of Ural Federal District of Russia and abroad. MSTU graduates head ministries, the largest mining and metallurgical, machine building and chemical enterprises and companies, scientific and research institutes. Some graduates of MSTU are now the Legislative Assembly Council deputies and Government Prize Winners of Russia. Only at the OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» 93% of managers are the former students of MSTU.

In particular, many MSTU graduates took leadership positions in many fields of industry: Directors of MMK D.P. Galkin – Minister of Metallurgy of Soviet Ukraine; L.V. Radyukevich – deputy minister of Metallurgy of USSR; I.Kh. Romazan – the Hero of Socialist Labour; S.V. Makaev – Director of Nizniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works (NTMK); S.B. Gun – deputy director of «Soyuzglavmetall» of Gossnab USSR; A.V. Kushnarev – executive Director of Nizniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works (NTMK); V.F. Rashnikov – President of Plc. «MMK Managing Company»; A.A. Morozov – State Duma deputy; R.S. Takhautdinov – Senior Vice-President of Plc. «MMK Managing Company» for Strategic Development and Metallurgy; S.K. Nosov – General Director of the State Corporation «Rosoboronmetall»; V.N. Lebedev – Director of MMKZ “MMK-Metiz”; Y.P. Volkov – General Director of “Azovstal”; R.Kh. Gimaletdinov – General Director of Kushva roll manufacturing plant; E.N. Teftelev – Head of Magnitogorsk and many others.

The body of Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G. Nosov keeps and develops the best traditions of Universities of Russia. It is a great challenge to study here, but it is very prestigious as well. The University provides everything the students might need to obtain thorough knowledge required for future highly qualified specialists in their industrial, scientific, social and political activity.