In August 2016 the Philological Summer School for students who learn Russian as a foreign language and Russian literature was held in "Yunost", the campus of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
Participants of the school came from the Czech Republic (Alzbeta Frodlova) and Italy (Anna Clemente) including students of Milan State University (Federico Raffa, Giuliano Gaietti, Francesca Volpi and Moreno Proserpio. They were delighted to join the programme which was topic oriented and included such themes as "Ancient mythology", "Modern journalism". The lectures were delivered by the academic staff of the Department of Literature. The leader of the project is professor T. E. Abramzon believes this Philological Summer School is a good way to introduce the beauty and the distinctive character of the Russian literature, language and culture. All the participants found the course interesting and highly beneficial. They also enjoyed the activities they were involved in. Choosing a summer programme they preferred Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University to universities of Moscow and St.Peresburg. They are completely satisfied with their choice and the variety and quality of lectures, seminar and other activities offered wishing to continue.