If you want to study Russian as a foreign language at our University, please fill in the application form on our website first.

You also need to send a copy of your passport and copies of the documents confirming your education not later than six weeks before the date of your estimated arrival. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

After we receive the abovementioned documents from you, our International relations Department will issue an official invitation and send it to you for contacting the Russian Consulate for your Student Visa.

When your Visa is ready, please, welcome to Russia!

When you come to our University, we'll sign a contract with you for training programs. This type of contract guarantees to our foreign students the rights for training, use of the University premises, equipment, library, teaching materials, cultural and sports complexes, and etc.


  1. Training will be conducted in the Russian language according to the curriculum and the programs of the Department of Russian as a foreign language, in accordance with the purposes and duration period specified in the contract.
  2. The Department will provide the students with the necessary textbooks, audio and video. Students can use the University library, record library, video and computer classes.
  3. Students must attend classes, complete the curriculum, comply with the norms and rules of conduct of the students of Magnitogorsk state technical University.

In case of successful completion of the curriculum the student will get the Certificate of the training completion.