Scientific and Educational Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre”

Scientific and Educational Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre”  was established within the framework of the international educational project Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education EXTEND 586060-EPP-1-2017- RO-EPPKA2-CBHE JP "Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogical Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan" and opened on February 14, 2020 in order to combine the efforts and resources of the EXTEND centers network.


The main goals and objectives of Scientific and Educational Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre” are:

  • research, elaboration and implementation of modern methods and approaches in the field of engineering and pedagogical innovations in accordance with the priority areas of world science;
  • application of modern pedagogical approaches in the elaboration and building of foreign language professional competence, ICT competence, etc.;
  • improvement of the process of forming and building NMSTU students’ and young scientists’ skills and experience in the field of pedagogical innovations based on the best European experience;
  • involvement of research and teaching staff of NMSTU and other stakeholders in professional elaboration of programs, professional retraining, programs for improving language competence and participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars and discussion platforms;
  • elaboration of cooperation with domestic and foreign educational institutions and scientific organizations;
  • conducting scientific and methodological research;
  • organizing, conducting and participating in conferences, meetings, symposiums, seminars, master classes, schools and other scientific and educational events;
  • providing access to the network resources of the project EXTEND centers.

The rationale for the establishment of Scientific and Educational Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre”is a Partnership Agreement and a Grant Agreement of the international educational project Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education EXTEND 586060-EPP-1-2017- RO-EPPKA2-CBHE JP "Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogical Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan".

Scientific and Educational Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre”is established, reorganized and сlosed by the rector’s order in accordance with the established procedure. Scientific and Educational Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre “is organized on the terms of self-financing without the introduction of staff units in the staffing table of NMSTU. Payment for work performed for attracted employees is carried out on the basis of hourly wage contracts. Research and Scientific Centre “EXTEND-Center of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University” Research and Scientific Centre “EXTEND-Center of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University” is a part of the Institute of Humanities, the director of Research and Scientific Centre “EXTEND-Center of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University” reports directly to the director of the Institute of Humanities. In its activities, Research and Scientific Centre is guided by the current regulatory and technical documentation, internal documents of the university and the orders of the rector. 

The material and technical base of the structural unit includes a multimedia room # 327 (Address: 26 Lenin Ave., Magnitogorsk) with installed equipment purchased as part of the EXTEND project.


Personnel support


NameSpecialty (according to diploma)Academic degreeTitleWork experienceDocuments
Orinina Larisa Vladimirovna Teacher of Russian language and literature PhD in Pedagogy Assoc.Prof. General experience – 20 years, pedagogical experience - 20 years, at NMSTU - 18 years BVS 0222245, issued by the State Attestation Commission of June 20th, 2001
Kashuba Inessa Valeryevna Mechanical Engineering PhD in Pedagogy Assoc.Prof. General experience - 27 years Diploma of higher education # 031790 Diploma of PhD KT # 143200
Savinova Yulia Anatolyevna Foreign languages PhD in Pedagogy Assoc.Prof. General experience - 24 years Diploma of higher education #527257 Diploma of Candidate of Sciences KT # 0914444
Zerkina Natalia Nikolaevna Foreign languages PhD in Philology Assoc.Prof. General experience - 24 years Diploma of higher education EV # 073717 Diploma of Candidate of Sciences KT #017301 Diploma of Associate Professor DC # 003975


Advantages of interaction with Research and Scientific Centre “EXTEND-Centre of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University”:

Scientific and Educational Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre”provides:

  • technical support and a working platform for various scientific and professional events for students, PhD students, university teachers and other interested parties;
  • access to the international network of EXTEND centres, their resources and educational courses, such as: "Project Based Learning", "E-learning and ICT-tools"; " Foreign Language for Engineering. Academic Writing”; “Research Based Learning Strategies”; “Curriculum Design and Elaboration”; “Assessment”, “Communication”.
  • building of temporary research and educational teams to solve scientific and educational tasks;
  • involvement of scientific and pedagogical staff, researchers and other employees of the university and specialists of third-party organizations in the implementation of research, scientific and educational work, on a part-time basis and contracts, etc.


Events held at Research and Scientific Centre “EXTEND-Centre of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University”


#Work/service performedTerms of ImplementationParticipantsContacts
1 The course “Foreign Language for Engineering. Academic Writing” was elaborated, piloted and implemented on line and off line 2019-2020 University teachers and PhD students of engineering specialties  (NMSTU) - 20 persons Savinova Iuliia, Zerkina Natalia
2 Grand opening ceremony of Research and Scientific Centre “EXTEND-Center of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University” February 14th 2020 NMSTU authorities (10 persons), teaching staff (25 persons), students (25 persons), representatives of mass media (10 persons) Director of Scientific and Research Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre” Orinina Larisa, Savinova Iuliia, Zerkina Natalia, Ruban Konstantin, Inessa Kashuba
3 Master class on preparing students of the 11th grade to pass the Unified State Exam on English March 23rd 2020 students of the 11th grade from Magnitogorsk schools (45 persons), English language teachers (10 persons) Director of Scientific and Research Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre” Orinina Larisa
4 I International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "The Use of Modern Distance Learning in the Educational Systems of Russia and Tajikistan» May 15th 2020 Students of the Institute of Economics and Management (23 persons), NMSTU teaching staff (5 persons), university partners from Tajik National University, Technological University of Tajikistan and Kulob State University from Tajikistan (6 persons), university partners from University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania), 2 persons Director of Scientific and Research Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre” Orinina Larisa
5 Socio-psychological training for 3rd year students on the prevention of emotional burnout (group IPOB-18-7) September 4th 2020 Students of group IPOB-18-7 (26 persons) Director of Scientific and Research Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre” Orinina Larisa
6 Master class for teachers of secondary schools and institutions of supplementary education in Magnitogorsk “Modern simulators for emotional intelligence building in teachers’ work” September 6th 2020 Teachers and methodists from Magnitogorsk schools Director of Scientific and Research Centre “NMSTU EXTEND Centre” Orinina Larisa
7 Program of advanced training “Trends and IT technologies of modern education in teaching specialized disciplines” March 11th -30th 2021 Trends and IT technologies of modern education in teaching specialized disciplines Institute of Humanities